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National spirit

National spirit

In our previous articles we have pondered about a number of concepts such as spirituality, religiousness, studies of spirit, the spiritual base, the spiritual analysis and the spiritual virtue. Now let’s take a look at the essence of the matter and try to comprehend the meanings of the root “spirit”.

What is “Spirit”? The word is one of the most many-valued words in our language and it can combine the mind flow, the course of thought, the intelligence, the feeling, the mood, the experience, the tempo, the tendency, the nature, the soul and many other meanings. For instance, we say “The spirit of the time”. By the word “spirit” in it we understand the tendency and the characteristic of the time. When it is said “high spirit”, “low spirit”, “spiritless” it means the “mood”. The term “ruhshunoslik” is a translation from Greek “psychology” into Uzbek and it means “spirit”, “psyche”, that is, the inner structure, the internal nature, the sense and the nervous system. The phrase “spiritually sick” is actually, we can say, an inappropriate translation of the Russian word “dushevnobolnoy”(mentally sick) into Uzbek. The phrase that means mad, crazy, insane should actually be “soul or mentally sick”, because in Russian “dusha” means soul and “duh” means spirit. The phrases “hard soul”, “neglected soul” in our native language are also used in association with not the spirit, but the soul. The spirit can be described by the words pure, rich, poor, high, low and others, but the sickness in our understanding and the illness characteristical to the body are totally strange to it. That is why, for example, we greet “Is your body-soul healthy?”, but we don’t ask “Is your spirit healthy?”. In short, the word “spirit” in the phrase “spiritually sick” is used improperly in the sense of the soul and the mind. The word “spirit” in the phrase “spiritual riches” means the morale, the inner world… It is clearly seen that the word “spirit” is many-edged like diamond, multi-glittery like the rainbow and colorful like the feelings…
Now if we turn from the word to the spirit itself, many religious people and psychologists have thought for a long time about the miraculous creation, which is invisible to the eyes, intangible by hands and can only be sensed by the heart and seen by the mental eye. Most of the cases they have stated with regret that the human mind is unable and his tongue is speechless to perceive the spirit’s essence, therefore, they have limited themselves by telling general opinions, comparisons and descriptions. For instance, in the work “Urjuza (Medical doston)” of Avicenna, who has gained popularity in the world as a healer, a scholar-khakim and a religious man and has achieved the title of “a chairman of sheikhs”, he describes it as “The pleasant and pure matter in the heart is called the spirit”. British psychologists have used the last achievements of the science and determined that the human body becomes about 0.02 milligrams lighter, when the man dies, and have come to a conclusion based on it that the weight of the spirit flown out of the body is approximately 0.02 milligrams, that is, it is lighter than a butterfly. It is clearly seen from the two examples that what the spirit is and what elements it is made of, even its weight is somehow unclear and really rough. Most of the time when the descriptions could not complete the shortages of the imagination, it is used a metaphor and the spirit is compared to a flying bird, a fly, a butterfly and other animals of these sorts. When these metaphors are unable to depict the unlimited thoughts, soul riches, spiritual values about the spirit of a man… they used to take the path of reflecting it in the works of art and literature. The humankind has been unable to find any better way of expressing his soul – his self, his moral world and his inner world than the art and literature, especially, the mean more convenient and beautiful than the poetry and it is unlikely that it can create!
Consequently, it is possible to clearly feel what the mankind’s spirit is first of all through the world literary and art works. Similarly, it is possible to clearly see the national spirit of each nation first of all at its art and literature. When the great thinker Abdulhamid Cholpon has said “If the literature lives, then the nation will live”, he particularly stressed the decisive importance of the national spirit and its most beautiful exhibition as the national literature in the nation’s life. In essence, any matter, a body or a physical existence will pass by, but the spirit is immortal, eternal and everlasting. Consequently, the literature and art, which reflect it in itself, are the events relating to the eternity. Speaking in terms of comparison, the body is like a modern computer and the spirit is the outcome of the computer’s movement controlled by the human intelligence. The intelligence, the imagination, the memory – all are inside the computer system of software programs. Only the spirit has an extraordinary advantage before any artificial device that there is no sign of feeling in the diverse computer-based and programmable robots. The spirit and its beautiful expression of the literature is very valuable to us as an expression of a man’s feelings, experiences, moods, passions, thrills, in short, versetile spiritual states. As it is not possible to imagine the functioning of a computer without human intelligence, it is also not possible to imagine the human spirit without the Highest Spirit – Allah. Since God is the Creator of not only his servants, but also his nations, that is his nationalities, it is impossible to imagine a man without a nation and the human spirit without the national spirit. The national appearance, the sole human spirit without its “cloth” of a certain nation… is in fact absent! It is similar to the mirage that the politicians of the Godless Soviet system have made up, who have rejected shortsightedly any spirit and at the same time have idle-talked about some “communistic spirit”! If there is a human spirit without national appearance, then it can not arouse the wondering and love in the hearts, but it can arise the feelings of hatrid and fear as an ugly, a monster or a shadow. Because, the more the human spirit – his inner self takes the national appearance, the more it will gain the all-mankind importance and eternal value. As Homer and Sophocles show the immortal national spirit of Greek nation, Kalidasa and Tagore – of Indian nation, Shakespere – of British nation, Dante – of Italian nation, Geothe – of German, Tolstoy and Dostoevskiy – of Russian nation, Navoiy and Bobur show the pure incomparable spirit of Uzbek nation and its beautiful moral world to the world.
Uzbek nation is one of the nations, which is God blessed and rich with rare treasures and rare talanted men in terms of both external and internal natures. The rarity of the naiton is first of all because it is literally Uzbek (Uz Bek of Turk Ota) , which unites the three ancient roots (qarluq, oghuz and qipchoq) of all Turkic nations. It is known that the present Uygur nation – the descendents of Qarluqs, the present Turkmen, Azerbayjan and Osmanli Turks – of Oghuz and Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Qoraqalpoq, Tartar, Bashkir, Nogay, Mojor – of Qipchoq. Only Uzbek nation among all Turkic nations of the world, we repeat once again, has gained strength-power from these three roots and grown-prospered. It has not been accidental when it has collapsed into three khanates in the past. The division has been a sort of reflection of the three historical roots, because from ancient times in Fergana valley – Qarluq Uzbeks have been living, in Khorezm region – Oghuz Uzbeks and in Zarafshan, Qashqa and Surkhon regions – Qipchoq Uzbeks. When in the history the three Uzbeks – Uzbek’s, in general, Turk’s three roots have been able to unite, to unite other Turkic nations around them and to create a powerful centralized state… like it is beautifully and truthfully praised in the Uzbek state anthem, indeed, “When the great nation’s power rages, The land attracted all the world…”.
In ancient history all nations in the world have not always looked at Uzbek nation with an appeal-attraction, but most of the time they have looked at it with an envious eye, of course. Therefore, every invader, who has goggled at the sacred land, has been very scared at the two terms – “Turk” and “Uzbek”. They have tried to trample down, to drown, to keep in captivity like a chained lion, to lead about by the nose like a camel, to bridle like a horse, if they could find a way, to make extinct the title and itself of the immortal national spirit contained in these words. If you think deeper, in the line “If let free, Uzbek’s horse will excel” of the great doston “Alpomish”, there is a great lot of meanings. For example, in order to avoid using the terms “Uzbek” and “Turk” and to prevent the national spirit from prospering the arab invaders have made up the artificial term “muslim nation”. It is necessary to tell that like the genius of the Bolshevism Vladimir Ilich Lenin has made the motto “Read, read and read again” his own shamelessly from the holy Qoran, the followers of the fake genius have copied the term “muslim nation” of the arab invaders and made up the artificial term “soviet nation”. Whereas, it is known to all the world that the Islam is not a national spirit, but it is a religious belief. Similarly, the “soviet nation” is not a whole nation created by God, but in reality, it was only a “prison of nations”, which included hundredth of nationalities in itself.
Another mischief that Arab invaders have found and taken the long-term and tricky action was without doubt in all the East the development of the Arab language – as the language of science, the Persian language – as the language of literature, and the Turkic language – as the military language. Exactly for this reason all Turkic nations, especially, the incomparable potential of Uzbek nation in science, for example, the valuable heritage of the great Khadis specialists such as Imom Bukhoriy and Imom Termiziy, the great shcolars such as Muhammad Horazmiy and Ahmad Fargoniy, the famous linguist Mahmud Zamahshariy and the Islam lawyer Burhoniddin Marginoniy has been used to develop the Arab science in Arab language. The wonderful capability and the national self of Uzbeks like it is told “My Uzbek, whose origin is maybe Uzlug, maybe Tarhon” in Erkin Vohidov’s poem “My Uzbek” has started to show itself since the creative work of Abu Nasr Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Tarhon ibn Uzlug al Forobiy at Turkiy (It is the hierarchy the scholar has written with his own hands!). The scholar has gone out of the Arab language and Arab science to wider areas, has studied the language and philosophy of ancient Greek, Indian, Chinese and many other nations, and has gained popularity after his teacher Aristotle as the second teacher – “muallimi soniy”. Certainly, the extraordinary success in science of the member of Turkic nation has not suited the politicians of the Arab khalifat, therefore, the scholar has spent the final years of his life in Arab cities, in particular, in Khalaf in quiet bad conditions and his grave has been almost abandoned up to present days… It seems, khazrat Imom Buhoriy has felt the selfish-biased treatment of the politicians of the Arab khalifat towards the “Ajam” , therefore, he has decided to go back from the center of the khalifat to his native land in the end of his life. Anyway, thousand years ago it has been considered by many our countrymen to transfer the Mamun academy, where they worked, from the center Baghdad of the khalifat to Khorezm. Why? The final goal by this was, of course, to develop the science in Arab language in wider scopes, to take full advantage of the unlimited abilities of Uzbek nation and use it in the main interests of the khalifat, in short, it was designed to convert other nations into Arab. In anycase, the scholars, who have worked in Mamun academy, such as Abu Rayhon Beruniy, Abu Ali Ibn Sino (Avicenna), especially, later – when the land has gained independence, during the period of Amir Temur’s dynasty, the thinkers such as Qozizoda Rumiy, Mirzo Ulugbek and Ali Qushchi have raised the popularity of science in Arab language along with the popularity of the ancient Turkiston and the ancient Turkic nation. If the treasures of science had been created in Turkic language – in Uzbek language!.. The national spirit, which Arab invaders have hardly depressed for three centuries and have not let it out, showed itself clearly to the world in three, created almost a thousand years ago, eternal works. In the work “Devoni lugatit turk” of Mahmud Qoshgariy, it was not only presented the rich language and literature of Turkic nations like a dowry, but also for the first time the term “turk” was raised to the title of the whole book. The holy word characterizing the national spirit, we can say, was raised again above head. The work “Qutadgu bilig” of Yusuf Hos Hojib has become popular as “Shohnomai Turkiy” in the world. The work does not only reflect the components of the national spirit such as wide world view, the high social conscience and the scientific intelligence of Turkic, in particular, of Uzbek nation, but such ancient meaningful Turkic words as “bil” and “qutadgu” were used in the title of the work. And at last, the book “Devoni Khikmat” of Akhmad Yassaviy, which is well-known in the world as “Turkic Quron”, showed the matchless power of Turkic language to the world over again. In the devon, for instance, if in the world literature it has been written the most ancient and meaningful best poem about the Turkic language (Scholars underestimate the Turkic words we say… Those who understand their meaning, take off their headdresses) on the historical paper, the initial, high and playful best poem told about Uzbek belongs to one of the descendents of Yassaviy, Shayhzoda Otoyi: “We have seen many in the nation, but hey my Uzbek, We have not seen one as charming and cheerful as you”. If you think, the best lines “My Uzbek is satisfied if he has a duppi on his head and a thin chopon on him” of our great thinker Alisher Navoiy, the comparison “the juice of wild-rose” of our great writer Abdulla Qodiriy used in his novels “Past days” and “A scorpion from an altar” to depict the naitonal spirit, poems “Uzbekiston” of Khamid Olimjon, “My Uzbek” of Erkin Vohidov and “I am Uzbek” of Azim Suyun, we can say, have been a logical continuation and the peak of Otoyi’s appraisal of the mother nation…
The politics of Arab invaders on tranformation to Arab carried out consistently for several centuries have not only affected the social events such as literature, art and science that reflect the national spirit, but also have had an impact on such a part of the spirit as heredity and geneology. The thing is, since the early years of Arab invaders’ conquest of Turkiston, they have started to develop the two social classes – khouja and black. Like the terms “Arab and Ajam”, such separation meaning “Arab nation and non Arab nations”, has been aimed at depressing the national spirit of Turkic nation and at steadily transforming it to Arab by creating unlimited privilages to the Arabs, who ruled on behalf of the Arab khalifat, and the men who became related with them, in other words, corrupt Persians and Turks. If in the famous anecdote, to the question “Which nations in the world are great?” the Armenian radio replied “Russians, non-Russians and Armenians”, the politicians of Arab khalifat have divided the nations of the world into two and have tried to enlarge the first half on account of the second half. They have used even evilish methods on the way. A connection of the historical roots of violence-raiding, religious fundamentalism and religioius extremism is seen in how all three have tried and have still been trying to take advantage of such spiritual support of all humankind as Quron and Prophet Muhammad towards their own interests. There have been many types of the social class – khouja that Arab invaders tried to use for own interests: sayyids – descendents of the Prophet, sheikh – priests, eshons – religious men… The class of khoujas, who used to control the local “black nation”, “common folk” on behalf of Arab khalifat, have been simply called “Deputy lord” in the popular national language. Our great Cholpon calls the responsible representative of Russian empire in Turkiston by the term “Deputy lord” in his novel “Day and night”, which is the popular word that the great word artist has used skillfully and shows the reality clearly. Similarly, in Cholpon’s poems the word “khoujas” are frequently used in the sense of “invaders”, “colonists” and “owners” – in the literal meaning of the word. Look at God’s power and the incomparable ability of our mother nation that the prestige of the meaningful word “khouja” in rich Arab language has been increased not by Arab invaders or even not by the intelligent men of this nation, but by khoujas such as Khouja Ahmad Yassaviy and Khouja Nasriddin Afandi, who belong to Turkic nation and Uzbek nationality and have emerged from the local people. Of course, it is not told accidentally “In Madina – Muhammad, in Turkiston – Khouja Ahmad”. Likewise, it is logical that not Arab nation or any other nation of the world, but exactly Turkic nation has created the very smart and sharp-witted literary character Khouja Nasriddin Afandi saying “Here, look, I am not a black, but a khouja, I am an owner of my own fate and my own country!”. Both our symbols have been a victory of the national spirit of the Turkic nation and its root – the Uzbek.
Such extraordinary victories and world-wide popularities have made Arab invaders take a different approach to the matter, as time passed lose their hopes in their politics of transforming into Arab, and on the contrary, encourage to become Uzbek in order to preserve the influence of the khalifat. In the result in such religious centers as Turkiston, especially, in Bukhoro, Outror, Savron, Termiz and Nasaf the Turkified and Uzbekified Arabs have started to settle down more than Arabified Turkic nations. There are still such Uzbeks among them, for instance, in districts of Qorakoul and Olot of Bukhoro province, some old cities of Qashqadaryo and Surhondaryo provinces, who have already forgotten the Arab language, but have been remaining as Arab spiritually, even being proud of their Arab nationality.
It is known, the mind, conscience, intelligence and its derivative science are of all humankind and international by nature. Oppositely, the feelings, experience, spiritual state and the literature and art that reflect them are valuable by their national appearance. Every nation of the world may live without own science and with the help of others’ mind, but it can not live a day or a moment without own naitonal literature and art. To deprive the nation of its great Literature means to sentence it to death. Especially, to be deprived of the literature in the native language… there is no greater tragedy for the nation and genuine national writer!..
About twenty years ago the famous american scientist Edward Ollward has been a guest at the Uzbekistan Writers’ Union, met with a number of Uzbek writers and given a question to the writers: “Are the writers Chingiz Aytmatov and Ouljas Sulaymonov, who create literary works in Russian language, considered Russian writers or the writers of Kyrgyz and Kazakh nations?..” It was a delicate question, especially, in the period of the Soviet system that made every writer get conscious and think thouroughly. In that conversation I have expressed my humble opinion that “Right, Kyrgiz nation reveres Chingiz Aytmatov and Kazakh nation appreciates Ouljas Sulaymonov as its own writer, but the truth of life is such that they will remain in the history as writers, who have enriched the Russian literature on the Kyrgiz and Kazakh themes. There have been many examples in the far history. For instrance, Azerbaijan nation honors – Nizomiy Ganjaviy, Indian nation – Amir Khusrav Dehlaviy, Uzbek nation – Pahlavon Mahmud and Mirzo Abdulqodir Bedil as its own great son, but these poets, who have worked in Persian language will be remembered as the representatives of the Persian literature in the history of world literature. Because, the relevance of a writer to any literature is determined by first of all his language…”
Here, as years have passed by, I seem to feel the ordinary truth of life more clearly.
Why have not the Arab invaders established the Arab language not only the language of science, but also the language of literature and used the Persian language as a mean? Certainly, it had many serious reasons. Firstly, the Turkic nation, who has loved the word art more than his life and whose every fourth member has been a poet, would not agree for the establishment of the Arab language as both the language of science and literature and it would surely rebel against such extreme injustice. Secondly, the two nations of Iran and Turon, which had been living as neighbors from ancient times, have had two languages and have been able to easily read-write in each other’s language. Consequently, the Persian language and the literature in Persian language have been more convenient and efficient mean than Arab language for keeping the spirit of Turkic nation in captivity. Moreover, the establishment of control over the literature in both languages, has been anyway in the hands of trusted representatives of Arab khalifat – the deputy lords. Think thoroughly yourselves, our great thinker Alisher Navoiy is a unique symbol, who has raised the Uzbek literary language to the heights of the world literature. However, the titles of all his works (“Khazoyinul maoniy”, “Hamsa”, “Muhomakamatul lugatayn”, “Lison ut tayr”, “Mahbub ul qulub”…) are in Arab. Naturally, so are the works of Turkic forbears such as Nizomiy Ganjaviy, Amir Khusrav Dehlaviy, Abdurahmon Jomiy! Can you imagine an Arabic or Russian title of the undying works such as “Past days”, “Day and night”, “Sacred blood”? To be honest, it is unbelievable. These, of course, have been the matchless examples and clear signs of the politics of converting to Arab in the history of the world nations!..
Mongol invaders have had neither a holy book as Quron, nor a supporter as respectful prophet Muhammad, nor one of the richest languages, nor the leading literature, nor science and nor art… They have only had primitive weapons such as a spear, a sword and a bow-arrow. If so, how have they managed to occupy a half of the world, in particular, Turkiston and reign for quite a long time? It is unbelievable at first sight. In fact, its main reasons are pretty ordinary. First of all, the reason was the codes of Chengizkhan, moreover, the net like a spider net that has been weaved skillfully based on the codes, but many times stronger than the spider net. It is said “If mountain does not come to Muhammad, Muhammad will come to the mountain”. The tricky method that Mongol invaders have used has been their ability to disguise themselves into Turk – in Turkiston, Arab – in Arabia, Indian – in India, Russian – in Russia. That is, they have acquired the nation’s language, literature, science, customs and traditions, religious belief, in short, a whole national spirit so well that they have come out better Turk than Turk, Arab than Arab, Indian than Indian and Russian than Russian in a historically short period of time. They have not stopped from any evil on the way. For example, all guys of a whole village have been massacred and their girls have been given in marriage to Mongol guys. Or, on the contrary, the girls have been completely massacred and the guys have been united with Mongol girls. The resulting cross breeds have been raised externally Uzbek, but internally Mongol, externally Muslim, but internally kofir , in short, extreme two-faced, crafty, and artful. In most cases the Mongol girl, who has made as many children from a healthy Uzbek guy as possible, has brought up her sons-daughters as loyal to her ancestors and as feeling hatrid towards Uzbek after the father had been killed and before the children had reached the maturity. After a number of generations change in this manner you can see that the trusted men of Mongol invaders have emerged from inside the Uzbek and the descendents of Chengizkhan, who have assimilitated well into the local conditions, have become thousand times more crafty, artful and industrialist than the representatives of Arab khalifat! Perhaps, the poets, who don’t understand the true meaning of the issue, have a right to wonder “Why don’t you die, Mahmud Yalavoch?”, of course. Even historian scientists may wonder “If both Bobur and Shayboniy are Uzbek, Uzbek poets and both are Muslim, then why can not these two rulers compromise with each and can not fit the great country?”. Whereas both cases have their serious reasons. Since the Mongol invaders have created convenient conditions for the traitor Mahmud Yalavoch “The longer you live, the better it is for yourself and us!”… he would kill his Uzbek at the very young and strong age, but he… would keep living after eighy, ninety years of age! The main reason for the absence of the compromise between Bobur and Shayboniy was that one of them was the ruler, who continued his great-grandfather Amir Temur’s initiated work and did his best to purify the Uzbek spirit and the blood of Turkic nations from the consequences of the Mongol invaders. The second – Muhammad Shayboniy, on the contrary, was a complete kofir and crafty Mongol ruler, who has worn an Uzbek appearance, a Muslim sect and a mask of a poet and claimed to be a prophet by calling himself “Khalif of God”! The problem is in such “patchy inside” and “evil from inside” Uzbeks! The empire, which has been established by Temurian ruler Zahiriddin Muhammad Bobur in India, who had been forced out of Turkiston land and had fought for the purification of Turkic state and Uzbek nation, has not been later named as “Great Uzbeks’ empire”, oppositely, it has been called as “Great Mongol empire”. Look at the wonderful game of the wheel world! Actually in comparison to another world-wide game it is a piece of cake. The thing is, the Mongol ruler, one of the Chengiskhan’s descendents, who has not even reigned Qarluq Uzbeks in ancient Fargona or Ouguz Uzbeks in ancient Khorazm or Qipchoq Uzbeks in valleys of Zarafshon, but only ruled steppe Qipchoq Uzbeks, also Tartars and Kazakhs, has taken the title of “Uzbekkhan”, that is, “Uzbek’s khan” just because he governed a part of Uzbek nation and adapted to the conditions very well. About seven centuries later when it was formed a Republic of Uzbekistan in 1924, based on the “scientific views” of the politicians of the Soviet Union such as the missioners of the Russian empire Yakubovskiy, Bertels and Bartold, it was attempted to explain the origin of Uzbek nation in association with that Mongol ruler Uzbekkhan. As though not the ruler has taken the naiton’s title, but oppositely, the nation has taken the ruler’s name and become an “Uzbek nation”! Look at the craft! Thye have even tried to make up the terms such as “Chigatoy nation” and “Chigatoy literature” and tried to relate the whole nation and the national literature to another Mongol invader Chigatoy.
The information about the crafts, evil, small-mindedness and readiness for any severe tyranny and lowliness of Mongol invaders have been recorded in many historical sources and have reached us in the songs and legends. One of the legends is, for instance, clearly depicted in the essay “Chengiskhan’s white cloud” of our great contemporary writer Chingiz Aytmatov (in the chapters of the novel “Snow-storm stop (A day lasts longer than a century)”, which has been held back by the number one ideologist Suslov of the Soviet politics and has been published later on).
The tyranny of Mongol invaders exerted on the heredity and geneology, moreover, on the whole nations, for instance, on the genofond of Tartar nation is indeed very horrible.
In the historical sources it is often used the phrases such as “Mongol-Tartar yoke”, “Mongol-Tartar slavery” or “Mongol-Tartar violence”. The thing is Mongols have enslaved Tartars (Boshqird, Nougay), one of the ancient Turkic nations, which had been inhabiting since ancient times in Steppe Qipchoq, in particular, in the vicinity of Yoyiq (Ural) mountain and Edil (Volga) River, in Crème and in the coasts of Black Sea, more than other nations of the world. The genuine, high and rich national spirited and brave children of this nation have been cruelly massacred. The rest has been trained as a suitable mean for controlling other Turkic and Slavyan nations and used very skillfully. In the result the Tartar nation remained not only in slavery, but right in between two fires. As it is said “He looks there – father is dying and looks here – son is dying”, if he raises his head, Mongol cuts off his head. If he obeys Mongol and uses violence at other Turkic and Slavyan nations, the nations in its turn will blame him in being a puppet for Mongol, in betrayal, in two-facedness and will punish. It is awful to imagine the living in such a condition for several centuries, moreover, the living by preserving own national spirit! The Russian proverb “Uninvited guest is worse than Tartar” and the Uzbek proverb “Where there is Tartar, there is a danger” have not been created accidentally, of course.
In historical sources in addition to the union of the words “Mongol” and “Tartar” into “Mongol-Tartar”, it is frequently added the adjective “nine times returned” in front of the term “Tartar”. Despite being forced to return from its religion not one-two times, but nine times and to cross, it has returned to Islam over and over again and lived by fighting, restoring its religious belief and national spirit, raising it, enriching and defending its self. It has not probably experienced by any nation among Turkic, and in general, world nations other than by Tartar in the history of humankind! The experience is easy to say! Because Tartars have been tormented, tortured and abused by Mongols more than any other nation, they have not been able to create a powerful state among other Turkic nations, especially during the next seven centuries, for example like Uzbeks, Usmonli Turks (that is Saljuqs), Uygurs, Azerbaijans and Mojors (Hungers). Moreover, if Turkic nations lived about one and a half centuries under the oppression of Arab invaders, one and a half centuries under the oppression of Mongol invaders and one and a half centuries under the oppression of invaders of Russian empire, Tartar nation has been oppressed by Mongol invaders for almost three centuries and by Russian empire for almost three centuries. And finally, the horrible punishing measures of stalinism politics have been applied to Tartar nation. No nation of the world has been massively deported, that is, has been forced out of its historical native land, be it Cremean Tartars or Kazan Tartars or Ufa Tartars, in short, like Tartar nation! That is why the intelligent men of Tartar nation are very important in the history of centuries long fight against dependence on Russian empire. The reason for our detailed analysis of the difficult experience of this nation is to point out the high importance of the hand of help stretched by Ismoilbek Gasprinskiy, Bakir Choubonzoda, Ahmad Zaki Validiy and other Tartar intelligent men in raising the Uzbek spirit, which was sunken deeper than the well Alpomish was thrown into, in the beginning of the last century during the period of national renascence just like the free hand of help of loyal friend Qorajon stretched to Alpomish. It is logical that the patriots of our independence such as Mahmudkhouja Behbudiy, Minavvarqori Abdurashidhonov, Abdulla Qodiriy, Abdurauf Fitrat and Abdulhamid Choulpon have considered, first of all, the abovementioned Tartar enlighteners as their own teachers.
Of course, before Russian empire conquered Turkiston, it had thoroughly investigated the national spirits of nations living on the land, in particular, of Uzbek nation, which had had a leading position in spirituality, prestige and historical roots, if it is needed, by the advanced technologies like a microscope and a magnifying glass. During its reign of Uzbek nation for exactly hundred and thirty years, it relied on the terrible slaveries and oppressions in the nation’s blood left by Arab and Mongol, even Chinese, Greek and Persian invaders, in particular, on “own enemies”, who had been living inside Uzbeks for centeries even though Uzbek in appearance, but on mind having a grudge against Uzbeks. It is not all. Russian empire has not only used the practices of Greek, Chinese, Arab and Mongol in controlling Uzbek nation with efficiency. During the hundred and thirty years it kept “producing” new methods continuously and persistently and implementing to life. Which one should we mention! For example, physically fit Uzbeks have been altogether hired for construction in home front during the years of the World War I. Later the attempts to create a cotton producing industry in Ukraine. To open barren, non-black lands. The construction of the Baykal-Amur magistral. Many other “All-Union construction”! At these, first of all, Uzbeks’ “black labor” have been efficiently used. In the result many Uzbeks have been sent out of their own native land – from Uzbekistan. Especially, the Soviet system has been very good at “producing” such “measures”. The country called “USSR” has not only been a country of violence, cruelty and fear, but also a country of craft, trick, fraud, in short, to describe it briefly, a country of devil. One of the devilish tricks of the country, for example, was that in 1924, on one hand, the regions Chimkent, Oush, Houjand, Toshhovuz and Ellikqala were “distributed” to Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Qoraqalpogistan respectively. On the other hand, many Kazakhs, Tajiks, Kyrgyzs, Turmens and Qoraqalpoqs, who had been living in the territory of Uzbekistan, were Uzbekified sometimes with deception and sometimes with force. It makes one wonder if he takes a surface look. It has been being speedily carried out the politics of Russification in all former USSR, in particular, in Uzbekistan, and at the same time, it has been being more speedily performed the politics of Uzbekification! What is the matter? Has it been really done for an increase of Uzben nation’s prestige, national power and spiritual strength?! No, noway! The reason is in order to rule the Uzbek nation, additional handmade forces have been needed from within the nation such as stupid Akbarali commander, whom Miryoqub adept promotes, the former chef of Deputy lord and his wife’s lover Zunnun in the novel “Day and night”. To bring such forces from Russian farmsteads has not justified itself. Obviously, it has been impossible to bring from USA or the moon. Consequently, to Uzbekify the minor nations living in Uzbekistan’s region and to take advantage of them has been suitable in all parameters. It is said that in the past it has been organized an international contest of imitators of Charlie Chaplin and the great actor has participated secretly in the contest himself. The most interesting part was that Charlie Chaplin was able to get hardly one of the last places in that contest! Similarly, to Uzbekify the members of other nations living in the republic, to raise them as “more Uzbek” than genuine Uzbeks and to rule genuine Uzbeks with the help of the “additional forces”… this is the largest craft. In the result of such, we can say, an incredible action in the history of humankind, it has been Tartars again, who have been doomed to suffer great difficulties, misfortunes and to lose its national self. During more than a century many members of Tartar nation have been deprived of their ancient native lands in Tatariston, Boshqirdiston, Crimea, coasts of Volga River and Ural mountains and converted to Uzbek sometimes forcibly and sometimes voluntarily by deception? Who has counted it! In order to prevent Uzbek nation from being deprived of their own native land in the future like them, many genuine children of the Tartar nation have practically shown exemplary patriotism and selfless service as tranlators, doctors and teachers by using all their strength, love and mind and by taking a great risk on the way to open the eyes of children of Uzbek nation and to make them feel healthy and spiritually strong. For example, I remember with great reverence and sincere gratitute my respected lecturers of Tartar nationality, who have educated me on the fundamentals of the subject of logic in the present National University of Uzbekistan and taught me on the history of the philosophy of the world nations in the university called “Marxsism-Leninism university”. Especially, I have a special thank to Asqad Muhtor, one of my respected teachers, a genuine son of Qozon Tartar nation, a national writer of Uzbekistan and a famous editor, who has personally edited my first article “Mysterious world” about the world of spirituality in 70s of last century without even knowing me and published in the famous journal “Guliston”. I wish the graves of these brother Tartar nation fill with light, their next world be prosperous and their pure spirits be always happy! Right, especially, among Uzbekinized Tartars there have been low people, who have lived well by tormenting own brothers, two-faced people, who have had their passports written “Uzbek”, but acted against the primary national interests of Uzbeks and become “honoured artist” for destroying its heredity, spies and slanderers.Among the members of other nations, who have been Uzbekinized for certain political aims, especially, specially trained Tartar and Tajik women have been really dangerous. At the founding session of the cultural assembly of the Central Asian nations about ten years ago our great contemporary writer Chingiz Aytmatov told: “Our Tajik brothers have a right to be proud of the fact that in the past the beloved wives of Turkic brave men have been often beautiful and charming Tajik women”. The words have very long history. In the great Choulpon’s “Night and day” as Miryoqub adept thought seriously about the inner structure of the colonial system he was living in and the personality of the colonist Deputy lord, if you remember, he arrived at the following conclusion: “Would not the empire go down! The lives of thousands and hundred thousands of the citizens are in the hands of such people as this, and their lives are in the hands of those bitches… It implies, the empire will decline”. The bitches that Miryoqub meant are enough in each nation and each system, of course. They, especially, have always been used skillfully for ruling dependent nations of colonial systems. For instance, if Arab invaders have efficiently used women of Persian and Tajik nationalities like Chingiz Aytmatov said to keep Turkic brave men, and in general, Turkic nations in captivity, Mongol invaders have tried to, if possible, insert a specially trained Mongol or Tartar girl into the embrace of each young Uzbek guy. Certainly, Russian colonists have not neglected such “measure”s. For instance, during Tsarism period, the second-third wives or lovers of most Uzbek officials and aristocrats or during Soviet period, the only legal wife of state and social officials have been Tartar or Tajik woman. If we look directly at the area of literature, say, the second wife of Abdulla Qodiriy, who he has brought from Qozon (probably she has been joined to him on certain political purposes), a majority of several wives of Choulpon or Khamza, a single wife of each of almost all chairmen of Writers’ Union of Uzbekistan have been Uzbekinized Tartar or Tajik women. However, the majority of these women have not served for the dominant system and they have been pressured for it. They have shown loyalty and patriotism towards their blood relative life partners and earned the love of their fate-mates and the whole Uzbek nation. The activities of Zarifa Saidnosirova, the faithful wife of the great writer, a famous Uzbek biology scientist and an author of a valuable book “My Oybek” or of Kibriyo Khahorova, another our great writer Abdulla Khahor’s faithful wife, well-known Uzbek translator and an author of a rare book “Close companion for a quarter century” show clear examples of this fact. Both the attidute of these women to their spouses and their contribution to Uzbek science and culture are worth of exemplary and desirable characteristics. Both attitude of these women to their spouses and their contribution to Uzbek science and culture are worth of being proud.There are many examples in the history that show how Turkic nations, especially, Uzbeks have contributed to the development of science in Arab language and literature in Persian language. But one can not find a single member of Arab, Mongol, Persian, Greek or Chinese nations by lightening on a clear day, who has contributed to the development of Turkic nation’s, in particular, Uzbek science and literature. The consequences of the Russian empire’s rusification politic of Uzbekistan – a different story, of course, but the Uzbekification politic has not been harmful for Uzbek nation, which is always big-hearted, friendly and attached to “If people join people – a state”, but oppositely, beneficial for it. For example, Tamarahonim, originally an Arman girl and famous Uzbek artist, Berta Davidova, originally Jewish girl and Uzbek classic songs singer, Urol Tansiqboev, originally Kazakh and well-known Uzbek painter, Maqsud Shayhzoda, originally Azerbaijan and famous Uzbek poet, Asqad Muhtor, a national writer of Uzbekistan, originally Tartar, but he was born, grew up in Fergana and turned to a famous Uzbek writer… It is worth of admiring, being proud and taking examples from the invaluable contributions of these dears into raising Uzbek national culture and national spirit of Uzbek nation to new heights. Now in the independent Uzbekistan’s environment Uzbekinized members of other nations have two choices before them – either to continue such sacred traditions and to enrich more national spirit of Uzbek nation or to return to their self and to raise own national culture and national spirit.The main book “Manifest of Communistic Party” of marxism theory, which has made the world shiver for almost one and a half centuries and millions of innocent people perish, has started by the following phrase: “A shadow is going through Europe and it is a shadow of communism”.The marxism-leninism theory, which has made so many smart heads spin on the illusion of communism and ended many innocent people’s lives, in deed, has been only a shadow, a mirage, as it is skillfully described in Mikhail Bulgakov’s work “Master and Margarita”, Voland’s crafts, in short, satan’s temptations. What a happiness, here, Uzbek nation has gotten rid of satanic temptations thank to the independence of Uzbekistan and has been purifying its national spirit for fifteen years. Now shadows will not wander in the country’s sky and mirages will not play in its horizon, on the contrary, Yassaviy’s spirit, Lord Amir Temur’s spirit, Mirzo Ulugbek’s and Alisher Navoiy’s spirits, and many other great ancestors’ immortal pure spirits are walking about. They are always our supporters in raising national spirit of Uzbek nation to new heights.
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